
Customer Testimonials

This company very professional and gets the job done in a timely matter! I highly recommend this company over any other company. They clean up very well.

–  Broke Cholo

AMAZING AND FAST services! Would recommend to anyone in need of restoration. Reasonable prices, and amazing people.

– Lauren Bell

Great customer service with some very enthusiastic employees! They helped me with finding all of my faulty shingles and did a full remodel of my roof! 100% would recommend to anyone looking for a new roof

– Justin Milbrandt

Gets the Job done!

– lorenzo rodriguez

Spoke with Russell and he gave me lots of good info and was a friendly and fast guy! Straight down to business!

– Eric O’Malley

Great team and great results ,very respectful as well

– Anthony Duran

Loved the work, efficient and great communication. 100% recommend to others in the area!!

– Thangying “Ty” Thao

Great company. Highly professional and responsive.

– Ummar Anjum

This company is easy to work with. Russell was extremely helpful and always answered my questions. He helped me work with my insurance. Very professional, would definitely recommend this company to my friends and family.

– Mark Mendez

The team did an amazing job on our roof. Great customer service and time management. Highly recommend.

– Kayvion Cager

5 stars. Russ was extremely helpful and knowledgeable throughout the entire process. I would highly recommend to anyone!

– Dylan Kiskila

Russell awesome guy! Very good at his job and knows what he is doing! Eddie the production manager & owner helped me pick out colors and made the process easy

– High Stake Trades